Whether you’re a new believer or have been a disciple of Jesus for many years, we all need to be reminded of the most powerful truth: God is love, and God loves us. It might sound simple or even cliché at times, but without God’s love, we wouldn’t have a relationship with Him at all. His love is the foundation of our faith.
God’s love for us is so great that He sent Jesus to take on the sins of the world and die in our place. We are able to love God because He first loved us with a love that never ends and never changes.
“But God proves his own love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” Romans 5:8
As passionate as we can be about this truth, we also know that sometimes our love for God grows cold. The good news is that God doesn’t cast us aside or view our love as disingenuous. He isn’t angry with us. Instead, Scripture tells us, “Love is patient, love is kind... it bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things” (1 Cor 13:4-7). God’s love for us is patient and kind. When we feel distant, He invites us to return to Him: “Return to your first love” (Rev 2:5).
Returning can look like kindling our relationship with God just as we did when we first came to faith. Remember how we devoured His Word, eager to know what God said was truth? How we prayed, even in our awkwardness, with the confidence that He delighted in hearing from us? How we worshipped, freely and passionately, thankful for the life He gave us—life that we could never earn or deserve?
Nothing can separate us from God's love. We can receive His love once again today. Take a moment and reflect on when you first encountered God’s love. Revisit the ways you connected with Him then—through prayer, worship, or reading Scripture. Allow this time of reflection to reignite your love for Him and stir your heart to return to Him with renewed devotion.
Pray with your own words, or try these:
Father, thank You for Your unending, unconditional love. I confess that sometimes my heart grows cold, and I drift from You. Today, I choose to return to my first love. Refresh my heart with the wonder of Your love. Help me to return to my first love, to love You with the same passion and gratitude I once had. I thank You that no matter where I am, Your love remains constant. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
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